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Tubby Todd is turning 10 and we are throwing a Playdate to celebrate! Ain’t no party like a TT party!FREE Tubby Todd 10th Anniversary Playdate. Featuring family-friendly experiences such as inflatables, a glow station for mama, and a live DJ, this mega-playdate is sure to be fun for the entire family. 10 am–12 noon. Solana Ranch Community Park, 13605 Pacific Highlands Ranch Pkwy. Register: https://www.eventbrite.com/e/tubby-todd-10-yr-anniversary-playdate-tickets-945860994697?aff=oddtdtcreatorBring your little ones and BFFs for a morning of music, bounce houses, treats, bubbles and good, clean FUN! The first 400 families will receive a special goodie bag! Space is limited so make sure to sign up early!
Here’s how:
1. Book a ticket for your FAM (don’t worry they’re FREE )
2. Fill out the RSVP form to complete your registration
3. Tell all your friends about the Playdate!!
We can’t wait to party with you!
xx Team Tubby