Around Town - The North County Moms

Ashley Sando — SWEAT CIRCUIT Del Mar — Studio Manager

Let’s meet Ashley Sando — SWEAT CIRCUIT Del Mar — Studio Manager!   Meet Ashley! She’s Sweat Circuit Del Mar’s Studio Manager. This month marks her one-year anniversary with one of Del Mar’s most popular circuit workout facilities! I asked...

María Felicia’s 2023 New Year Body… Cleanse – Day 15

 ch   Day 15 Blueberries & Blackberries On some cleanse mornings, I like to wake up my mouth and mind with the refreshing taste and juiciness of darker-skinned berries. Dark berries are known to have brain-boosting qualities that are epic. On taste alone, those...

María Felicia’s 2023 New Year Body… Cleanse – Day 14

Day 14 Avocado In 2013, then Lieutenant Governor Gavin Newsom issued a proclamation that the avocado would be California’s state fruit. Ever since, our beautiful emerald alligator-skinned, tear-dropped gems, dangling from many neighbors’ prolific trees, have...

María Felicia’s 2023 New Year Body… Cleanse – Day 13

Day 13 Grilled chicken   So grilled chicken is the protein our family gravitates to. Yes, we eat a fair amount of fish, but chicken, I would say, is our family’s staple protein product. Since my husband loves to grill on his Weber, we eat lots of grilled...

María Felicia’s 2023 New Year Body… Cleanse – Day 12

Day 12 Artichokes   It’s the official vegetable of our great state. It packs a punch in the nutrition department. Its taste is mild and agreeable, slightly nutty (some call that “earthy”) and to me, I taste subtle floral notes when it meets my tongue. And the...

Meet a Mom & Parenting Expert

The idea of “maternal instinct” can really throw us off when we become moms.  Quite honestly, we all faced a huge learning curve when we took our baby home from the hospital and asked ourselves, “Now what??” The answer can come from a lot of places, not the least of...

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