I think the world is divided into those who love kale and those who detest it. I’m most definitely a card-carrying member of the former group! Raw or cooked, but especially raw, with just the right amount of olive oil, sprinkled with thinly sliced red onion, sea salt and the juice of a couple of squeezed ripe lemons, and you’re in for a mouthful of flavor, texture and yes chewing. However, you’d be surprised how pliable these Lacinato greens can get with the right amount of olive oil and lemon juice. (Check out my kale post from last year for my favorite Lacinato Kale Salad recipe.)
Maria’s Observations… from last year
Kale kicks butt in the flavor and texture department when dressed with the right ingredients! The hearty evergreen-colored leaves offer more for your tastebuds, and your body as a whole, than their copycat imposter, romaine lettuce leaves. (Although they look a lot alike they’re actually vegetables from two different family of greens). Not to mention, in my opinion, kale is a much more healthy and satisfying vegetable, bite for bite, than any version of lettuce. And, I love lettuce, so that’s saying something!
Day 3 2024 – Dates & Sunflower Seeds
Francesca’s Take
Kale is a nutritional powerhouse and a favorite of mine as well. Packed with vitamins A, C, and K and minerals like calcium and iron, kale offers a diverse range of essential nutrients. Its high fiber content supports digestive health and helps regulate blood sugar levels. Antioxidants, such as beta-carotene and flavonoids, contribute to its anti-inflammatory properties.
Integrative nutrition emphasizes the importance of incorporating nutrient-dense foods into one’s diet, and kale is a stellar example of such a food. Whether added to salads, smoothies, or sautés, kale is a versatile and nutrient-rich option that complements a holistic approach to nourishing the body.
Hello, I’m Francesca, and I’m genuinely thrilled to join forces with Maria on this extraordinary detox journey. With 14 years of dedicated experience as an integrative nutritionist, I hold a Master’s in Integrative Nutrition and am certified as a health and wellness coach. My distinctive approach seamlessly blends science-based nutrition with the art and science of coaching, guaranteeing each client a holistic and personalized experience. What sets me apart is not just my wealth of knowledge but my genuine passion for witnessing my clients thrive.
Currently pursuing a doctorate in Integrative Health, I eagerly anticipate the opportunity to bring the latest insights and advancements. My commitment to staying at the forefront of integrative health ensures I can offer cutting-edge strategies to support the well-being of my clients. Please feel free to reach out if you have questions or comments. I look forward to supporting your journey toward optimal health and vitality.
To see access the daily updated menu of 2024 cleanse posts, please visit the Jumpstart January – 2024 Cleanse: María Felicia’s Daily Online Journal
Written by Maria Felicia Kelley with contributions by Francesca Orlando
Disclaimer: Maria Felicia Kelley is not a medical doctor. The cleanse and fasting benefits she discusses in this post are derived from her own experiences and observations. Individuals should consult their own healthcare providers when eliminating foods from their diets.
@thenorthcountymoms | @1MariaFelicia
The North County Moms