New Year Cleanse: Day 17 — Quick-Cooking, Quality Quinoa | The North County Moms

This healthy grain-like seed is light in texture and pleasantly mild in taste. While on the cleanse, quinoa serves as a nice alternative to the abundance of brown rice circulating around the days of my three-week focus on mindful eating.


Maria’s Cleanse Notes 

In comparison, brown rice is dense; it offers a filling of fullness a lot more quickly than eating a comparable serving of the more delicate quinoa. While both have a place in my cleanse, at times I do lean in a bit more eagerly to quinoa, simply because I like the lightness associated with eating it. That lightness often allows me to enjoy it in larger quantities without feeling stuffed.

Another bonus to adding quinoa to your diet — it’s one of the quickest cooking grains out there!  You can prep a potful in a mere 10-15 minutes. Compare that to any brown rice cooking event at 40-45 minutes!

Quinoa is very versatile, like brown rice. I’ll it eat at breakfast, lunch, or at dinner. As a morning meal, check out my favorite way to dress it up as a warmed cereal or porridge with berries: Blue-and-Blackberry Breakfast Quinoa!

Day 17 2023 – Quinoa

Day 16 2024 – Blueberries & Blackberries

Day 18 2024 – Brussels Sprouts

Francesca’s Take

Quinoa is a nutrient-rich grain with various health benefits. Quinoa contains all nine essential amino acids, making it an excellent plant-based protein source. This ancient grain is rich in dietary fiber, promoting digestion and elimination and supporting a healthy gut microbiome. Quinoa is a good source of essential minerals such as magnesium, iron, and phosphorus, contributing to bone health, oxygen transport in the blood, and energy metabolism. It is also gluten-free, making it suitable for those with gluten sensitivities. Antioxidants in quinoa, including flavonoids and quercetin, protect against oxidative stress and inflammation. It is versatile and can be used as a base for salads, a side dish, etc. Its unique combination of protein, fiber, and essential nutrients makes quinoa a valuable addition to a balanced and health- conscious diet.

Hello, I’m Francesca, and I’m genuinely thrilled to join forces with Maria on this extraordinary detox journey. With 14 years of dedicated experience as an integrative nutritionist, I hold a Master’s in Integrative Nutrition and am certified as a health and wellness coach. My distinctive approach seamlessly blends science-based nutrition with the art and science of coaching, guaranteeing each client a holistic and personalized experience. What sets me apart is not just my wealth of knowledge but my genuine passion for witnessing my clients thrive.

Currently pursuing a doctorate in Integrative Health, I eagerly anticipate the opportunity to bring the latest insights and advancements. My commitment to staying at the forefront of integrative health ensures I can offer cutting-edge strategies to support the well-being of my clients. Please feel free to reach out if you have questions or comments. I look forward to supporting your journey toward optimal health and vitality.

To see access the daily updated menu of 2024 cleanse posts, please visit the Jumpstart January – 2024 Cleanse: María Felicia’s Daily Online Journal

Written by Maria Felicia Kelley with contributions by Francesca Orlando
Maria Felicia Kelley is not a medical doctor. The cleanse and fasting benefits she discusses in this post are derived from her own experiences and observations. Individuals should consult their own healthcare providers when eliminating foods from their diets.
@thenorthcountymoms | @1MariaFelicia 
The North County Moms

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